Hello to my family and classmates. =) As most of you know, I’m Alex. I’m 17. I like politics, traveling, and playing music. This blog was started as part of a yearlong, ongoing English project where we supplement our curriculum by blogging about a particular lens or umbrella. For my lens, I chose social inequality and conflict.
This topic first started to interest me in the spring and summer of 2010, when I came out to my family and friends as bisexual. The reactions of people I knew varied greatly. This really started to make my head spin. I never felt like I had been “other-ized” or inherently different before. Sure, we all feel socially awkward or excluded at times. But now I had a particularly striking label attached to me. When I started to dive into the LGBT+ community, I became interested in a lot of other social divides, like those of race, class, and gender. As a white, upper-middle class person, this experience was extremely eye-opening. Needless to say, I still have a lot to learn. Hopefully this blog will serve as a thought-provoking way to both get inside my head, and generate some interesting ideas about minority groups.